Should I give up and start over?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 3, 2010
Fairbanks, AK
I started reading someone's post about a broody orp and they are in Michigan. I have a broody Black Alstralope so I let her set and thought I would see what would happen. I have given her a week longer than I think she needed for the eggs to hatch, but I'm afraid to do anything with the eggs for fear of not waiting long enough, but as I started to read the post, it said something about collecting other eggs and letting them start over. This is my first year and wintering over my hens and it's been quite a learning experience for me, so if I sound ignorant, it's because I am. If these eggs are no good, can I bring eggs in from the other hens for her to set on? will it matter if I have touched them? Someone told me if you touch the eggs they won't sit on them but if she is willing to sit, I would like her to hatch them. She is very good and has been turning them and everything too. I have to give up on them but I think they should have hatched by now.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
You say she has been setting on them for 28 days. They might not be any good. Take one or two out and open them. If they are not started, you can put others under her. As a rule if the eggs are no good the hen knows and will leave the nest. Or you can candle them, that way you should be able to tell if there is a chick inside or not.

I know this may sound like a dumb question, but are you sure the eggs are fertile? This even happened to me, a friend wanted me to incubate some eggs for him. No problem right, well he doesn't have a roo and I knew it and still put the eggs in the bator.
Hi thanks for the information: I'm sure they are fertilized because we have had blood spots and other indications that George ( Rhode Island Red Rooster) is doing the job. She has not left the nest and she is still turning them. It is my understanding that they collect for about 2 weeks then set, is that correct? If so then maybe we have not calculated our timing correctly. The other question I have is, if this eggs are bad, can I pull other eggs from the hen house for her to sit on? Does it matter if we touch the eggs? I'm sorry I have alot of questions, because this is the first time I have had chickens. I've been so excited about the possibility of chicks, I will be disappointed but good things come to those who wait.

Also, she is laying on everyone's eggs. I have 2 buff orpington's Gracie & Henrietta, 2 Americana's Latte, and Samoa, 1 Easter Egger Jo and an inherited barred Rock who was molting and ugly so we called her Cruella, then the hen that is sitting is Athena, a black Alstralope. So if I do get chicks, I will have a lovely variety, although since I pulled Athena from the Hen house, I wouldn't get any black astralopes, also her belly is totally bare, is that normal?

Thanks for your advice and helpfulness.
You can touch the eggs, it won't do anything to them. The hen won't mind. As long as the hen is doing her thing and the roo has done his job, just leave her be. She will do the rest. If an egg is bad in the nest, she will kick it out. That is when you will find an egg on the floor. I wouldn't put an more eggs under her right down. You are to far along in this hatch. She will set on any egg in the nest once she goes broody. Once she desides the chicks on old enough, she will prbably go broody again. Then let her set on about 10 eggs of your choosing. Take the ones out you don't want her to set on and replace them them with those you do.
After all the information you provided I decided it had been too long and I was right. I pulled all the eggs and felt really bad about it but I cracked them open to see what was what. A little less than half were fertile and had started to form but she was in the hen house and they may have gotten too cold or something. I don't know but some were really bad and some were regular eggs. Apparently George has a thing for the Americana because most of her eggs were fertile.
Any way, I pulled all the old straw out, we used old dresser drawers from recycle for the laying boxes and they love them. I put new straw in, put some new eggs in, I don't know if they will do anything either but I still have her in the house, call me crazy. I put some plastic down in a quiet place in my closet and put her in there. She jumped right back in the nest like it never happened. I think she has 6-8 eggs and when the girls give me a few more I will add a few more but I won't have her doing more than a dozen. If I get a few chicks I will be tickled. You have been so helpful, I really appreciate it. I think one of my Orpingtons wants to sit but I keep pulling the eggs. How do you heat your hen houses? We are in Fairbanks ALaska and have been using heat lamps but I'm afraid it's not enough if they want to hatch eggs and I think it's probably killing our electric bill too.

Thanks again for your help.

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