Should I hear anything from my quail who have pipped?


6 Years
Dec 28, 2013
I have about 40 quail eggs that are locked down most have external pips but I do not hear any sound coming from them should I be hearing anything?
After about 6 hours into hatching, I pick them up and tap. If I hear movement and cheeping, i put them back into the high humidity incubator. After 8 hours I do the same and if still stuck I chip a bit of the egg away. I repeat every so often and usually help the last one's out. With all these comments about not touching hatching eggs... it's phooie to me. I'd rather have hatched healthy chicks than dead in the egg ones. From too much humidity to too little, There are quite of few things that are difficult to control down to a t. I've found that the hovabator hatches quail better than chicken eggs. And that the brinsea hatches chickens better than quail.

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