Should I just give up?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 27, 2010
I have three girls! They were all last Easter chicks. Two of them have been laying since October and one is still not laying!! Do you think she is just a free loader?
No, it is for sure a girl. She's a doll, so sweet!

She acts like she is going to lay everyday, does the whole dance, always making nest. I always think today is the day because she has been at this forever...NOTHING! She has been doing this since October. Poor thing!
My first thought is she wants to brood a clutch - but not lay any. I have a couple that get in the mood to brood, and will stop laying - but will set all the other girls' eggs that they place in the nestbox.
I do see her doing that!!! I'm pretty new at the chicken thing...Do yours then lay eventually? Or is this it, just baby sitting?
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