Should I let him free range?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 14, 2014
Hi all I am still new to keeping chickens and we accidently ended up with a rooster. We only have 4 hens so I know the rooster to hen ratio is way off. He is ruining their backs and head and is aggressive towards humans which makes it difficult to do things. Would it be a good idea to let only the rooster free range and leave the hens in the coop run during the day and put him back in the coop at night? The thing that makes me nervous is that since he has shown aggression toward us, if we let him free range around our yard during the day will he attack us when we are just walking around the yard?
Just rehome him or butcher him. I sure wouldn't put up with an aggressive bird in my yard. Plus, if you put him back in with the hens each night, he's going to concentrate all his mating attention on them then, in a short space of time.

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