Should I let my silkie hatch in her first Broodiness?


11 Years
May 7, 2008
Madison-Columbus WI
My 2 silkies are finally laying (tiny little eggs) and I was wondering how soon do they usually go broody after they start laying? and should I let them hatch on their first "broodiness"?

My silkies are so tiny and their eggs are even smaller so I am surprised that a chick can come out of such a small egg.
My Silkie hatched in her first "broodiness" ( love the term!)! She is a great mom too. The babies are 6 weeks old and it is so funny to see them trying to get under her at night

Do you have a Roo?
My silkies went broodie about 1 -2 months after they started laying. I was going to let them both hatch of there first session but only one got to, my other one had a run in with my dog but dont worry she is almost fully recovered, my one that hatched them is doing great, she goes after anyone that gets to close and screams at all the birds flying by and shows them how to dustbath which is really cute seeing the two babys with her all three bathing, lol. I think yours will do great
Wow...less than 2 months and already broody!!! - I cannot imaging such a little chicken hatching chicks. She is seriously the smallest chicken I've ever seen in person that is already laying eggs.

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