should i start supervised visitation times with parents - disabled gosling


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
Frankie Gossling, the only one that hatched has a deformed foot is learning to walk little by little he hobbles and then falls to rest. I have him inside with a few ducklings for company and have been giving him swimming times , massages, extra nutritional yeast and liquid bcomplex He is walking better without a boot because the boot could not help him. but he still only takes a few shakey steps and rests - he cannot walk or run like a normal gosling yet I am wondering if it is wise or not to bring him outside for visits with his mom and dad? I am afraid they might not want me to take him away once they get him back. They have been looking for him all the last 13 days. New goose house is coming in two weeks that Frankie will be able to access entry easily and live on mostly level grassy area (the room my geese have been sleeping in is an addition to my garage and it’s a tricky rocky hill going down to it and not safe for Frankie) .

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