Should I try dry incubation method for new pekin duck egg?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
I also have what is 80% chance a pekin duck egg. I'm not sure if it's fertile, however this coming Sunday, I plan to set it. So, I read the article on dry incubation. Any opinions?
I used the dry incubation method on my last batch of wynadottes. I was happy with the results 10 out of 11 eggs.
During hatching I had it really humid, fog on the window. In the past I had really large bodied chicks that had died in the shell. After reading that articule I had to try it
Where are you getting these eggs? Your stealing them from nests around the pond? If you were purchasing them youd know what kind of eggs they were. Its a vioaltion of federal law to take eggs from the wild and also for you to be hatching and raising the mallards. Leave the ducks at the pond alone!
where did the post say anything about mallards? maybe the pekin had been around other pekins and other ducks but mostly seen with pekins and that's why they're not sure what it is. geesh i have eggs in my bator that could be this or could be that. it doesn't mean i stole eggs.
AHHHHH! Now I get to the bottom of it!!! Went back reading OP past posts......waterfowlrescue, please accept my apologies on the 'cranky' comment. I get the FULL picture now.....

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