Should I Use an Infarred (Red Spotlight) Light in My Coop or a White Light?


7 Years
Jan 5, 2013
Loganville, Georgia
What is the difference between having a red light in my coop or a white light? My chicken are about two to three months old and we keep a light on them day and night to give them extra warmth. I was just wondering what the difference in having a red light in my coop or a white light is.
I use a red light, and the theory is that it hides any blood that could be the outcome of any pecking order issues, that's all. It's probably a personal preference, when it all comes down to it.

FYI Infrared is a light spectrum humans can not see, So if you had an infrared bulb you wouldn't even know it was on, unless you were using a camera with night shot or something like that.

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