Should I wait before replacing a hen that has died?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 12, 2013
Hi all,
We had 3 hens but woke up to find that one had died during the night. She was only around 2 years old but had been happy and eating the day before. Her comb and wattle were red and I throw around some anti-mite powder every week. I think it was just one of those things.

We are left with 2 hens now, 2 that don't really get along. No serious fighting issues - just one is quite nervous and prefers to be alone usually - whereas the other one seems to really prefer company. I feel like adding a new chicken might be nice for them both (I know that there will be a couple of weeks of squabbling).

Are there any reasons why I should not be so quick to add a new one? Do they need time to process the death of the other one before changing things again?
I agree. I think It would be easier to add a new hen now then it would be to add one later after they have gotten used to being a twosome.
Thanks guys!
I'm glad there's no reason to wait.

I dont think my coop is big enough for 4 chickens....I will see what they have at the bird farm and what the other half will allow ;).

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