Should I worry about hens' growing beaks?


9 Years
May 2, 2011
Saranac Inn, NY
I only have 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes right now, Heckle and Jeckle. It has been ridiculously cold (days without temps above 0F, nights -30F for the last 3 months), so the girls have stayed right in their coop. They are happy and content, but I just noticed that it looks like their upper beak has grown. I only noticed it when Jeckle clicked her beak together like my great grandmother used to do with her dentures! It's not bad, but there is definitely a difference.

I guess the question is, should I be concerned? They are eating and drinking ok. I am assuming that this is because they haven't been out foraging like they do all summer and fall. Is there something I can give them to "simulate foraging" 7 year old's idea was to tack sandpaper on the floor and put treats on it. Actually, not a bad thought. Maybe I am worried about nothing. Thanks everyone for the help!
Maybe post a pic of your issue. I have a silkie who has what I call a parrot beak. It over grows and my hubby and I take a dremel tool to it to keep it in check. It is a undesirable defect in chickens but she is a pet and not being breed so we keep her.

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