Should neighbors combine flocks?

You have a major problem. Free-range rooster is a gamecock and one of your penned birds I can see appears to be a gamestag that will soon be coming into his courage. Soon you will have bird on outside getting into fight with other bird in pen and it will be messy likely ruining both. You will not be able to repel gamerooster on the outside with usual approach I employ. Free-range bird not dubbed so he may be regards as little more than a yard ornament. I would catch and keep him. He would be a good match for your gamehens. One of your gamehens I would like to have.

I could see no evidence of harassment by neighbors bird. On the contrary, I think your hens / pullets where quite enamored with him.
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NIce. After reading first post, I was tought to ask for pictures of all birds, including both roosters. Can you please show me your rooster? Once i tought too, to just breed Kulang Asils, and let free range, and neighbours got to think by themselfs to dont get in contact with them. ;d
I would in ur place buy some strong bird, some Asil, this gamebird I guess isnt in them top of games. can anyone tell about them more? Just from my experience when my neighbours rooster come just to free range to my side, till my rooster get to fight him, and after long 3 minute fight i split them, cuz neighbours rooster turn a back and go 1 meter away so... And after that rooster dont come to free ranging in our side..
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If you combine flocks, you will have one surviving rooster, and it will be the gamecock.
I have had game cocks..accidentally. DH brought home 13 six week old chicks one year....and 6 reached maturity as cockerels on the same night. After a dog attack 2 nights later, we had one left. He was okay till we bought chicks...Plymouth Rocks.
I tried to integrate and he killed the Barred rock juvenile. We had to cull him, as he wouldn't accept the new birds at all.
He would also aggressively attack his reflection in the door glass.
There was no way to change what he was.
Turned out..the man DH got the chicks from had released them years 40 yrs ago..when a certain thing became illegal.
We didn't know any better.
We have one game hen left for being a broody.

The game cock will ALWAYS win. They can't help it.
Do not get yet another gamerooster to deal with first. That will result in likely both being killed. I seldom say "best" or "only" approach but containing fo the free-ranging bird getting rid of all your males is most logical option. I keep gameroosters free-range but could not do in set up OP has unless penned birds in an area the free-range bird cannot get to. If you get more roosters, then you will be doing exactly what results in gameroosters being vilfied by the public. You will be doing it, not the birds.
The only males I have are a purebred Dominicker who just went "red in the face" a couple weeks ago and is attempting to crow, and three Dominicker/White Leghorn crosses that are about two and a half months old that I rescued, quarantined, and have successfully integrated into my flock. The oldest I plan to keep and the younger three I plan to either rehome or eat. I'll post a video of them tomorrow. I don't have any other males than those. (Unless someone's got a surprise for me! lol)
I need glasses. No second roo.
No worries. Step one is finding a nice polite way to ask the neighbors to restrain their gamecock, hopefully without literally or figuratively ruffling too many feathers. None of mine are going outside the run with him on the loose.
I have had game cocks..accidentally. DH brought home 13 six week old chicks one year....and 6 reached maturity as cockerels on the same night. After a dog attack 2 nights later, we had one left. He was okay till we bought chicks...Plymouth Rocks.
I tried to integrate and he killed the Barred rock juvenile. We had to cull him, as he wouldn't accept the new birds at all.
He would also aggressively attack his reflection in the door glass.
There was no way to change what he was.
Turned out..the man DH got the chicks from had released them years 40 yrs ago..when a certain thing became illegal.
We didn't know any better.
We have one game hen left for being a broody.

The game cock will ALWAYS win. They can't help it.
My seven, seven month old game hens have integrated pretty well. At first they were very freaked out by my more domesticated birds, but they all seem ok with each other now. The game hens are still wary of me and very independent, but they've learned that I am a snack machine, so they're warming up to me! They're figuring out the eating from the feeder drill, but they still prefer to pick up other's crumbs and eat the table scraps I throw out. I'm planning to use these ladies only as layers and broodies to hatch other hens' eggs. And to look at too, because they're gorgeous!
NIce. After reading first post, I was tought to ask for pictures of all birds, including both roosters. Can you please show me your rooster? Once i tought too, to just breed Kulang Asils, and let free range, and neighbours got to think by themselfs to dont get in contact with them. ;d
I would in ur place buy some strong bird, some Asil, this gamebird I guess isnt in them top of games. can anyone tell about them more? Just from my experience when my neighbours rooster come just to free range to my side, till my rooster get to fight him, and after long 3 minute fight i split them, cuz neighbours rooster turn a back and go 1 meter away so... And after that rooster dont come to free ranging in our side..
I'm going to post a video of my birds later today.
You have a major problem. Free-range rooster is a gamecock and one of your penned birds I can see appears to be a gamestag that will soon be coming into his courage. Soon you will have bird on outside getting into fight with other bird in pen and it will be messy likely ruining both. You will not be able to repel gamerooster on the outside with usual approach I employ. Free-range bird not dubbed so he may be regards as little more than a yard ornament. I would catch and keep him. He would be a good match for your gamehens. One of your gamehens I would like to have.

I could see no evidence of harassment by neighbors bird. On the contrary, I think your hens / pullets where quite enamored with him.
I'm not planning on kidnapping their rooster for breeding purposes, as delighted as I'm sure he'd be to seven game hens all to himself. As far as I can tell, none of my game birds are males; they're seven months old, so I'm pretty sure the males would have become apparent by now if there were any. If you're willing to drive out to northwest Georgia, I'll sell or trade you one, but nobody's going through the mail at this age, lol!
Kidnapping would be for the purpose of claiming, at least short term. Catch and pen him, then tell neighbor where he is. I doubt if language barrier will be an issue at that point. Indicate to retrieve him they must keep him off your property otherwise you will keep him. Unrestrained persistently on your property I would say means rooster is feral and then subject to public domain. You may find they do not truelly claim ownership which can make issues easier for you or you can help them out by catching him so they can setup a proper pen.

I bet you can find precedence for such in your state with livestock that spends most or all of its time one someone else's land.

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