Should pullets prefer chick-grit over adult grit?


Jul 31, 2023
I have two almost 5 year old hens, five 4 month old pullets, and one 4 month old roo. In their run, next to their food, I provide separate calcium as well as a separate bowl with the small chick-grit on one side and the larger adult grit on the other side. That has been the set-up since integrating the group. My question is this…I’ve only had to refill the chick-grit. Three times now. It seems to be the preferred grit. They do not free-range, but they do have a large open fenced-in pen with grass/dirt/etc. The adult grit HAS gone down, but not to the level where it needs to be replenished even once. Obviously, the chick-grit is preferred, but these pullets are super big now…shouldn’t they want/need the larger grit? Or, does it even matter because grit-is-grit and they know what they’re doing?
It shouldn't do them any harm but it won't really benefit them either since it's too small for their age, so I would remove the chick grit entirely at this time.
I had assumed they would know when they needed adult grit which is why both were offered…but, at 4 months, I guess they don’t. I’ll remove the chick grit today and leave the adult grit. Thank you!
I would give them adult grit because they will start laying eggs soon. I change over grit when I change from Chick Starter to Layer Feed.
I am definitely taking the chick-grit away today…will leave just the adult grit. They will be 19 weeks old on Sunday and all are quite sizable. For first time yesterday, saw our Black Cochin in the calcium tray!🤗

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