Should we kill it? How?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
So our chick that we think has crookneck is getting worse. It is day three of him not being able to hold his head up except to eat. It is fully upside down and he can only walk backwards. Now my husband says he's scratching his head and face with his legs and wings, breaking off feathers. He is still eating and pooping alright.

What should we do? If it is time to kill him, how do we do it? (I'm being serious in asking this question. We have no idea how best to kill a chick, 2 months old).

Well in the time I posted this at work and drove home, my husband said the bird had started convulsing with stiff legs. It was time for it to go, so he used a broom handle on its neck and snapped it quickly. He snapped it a second time JUSt to make sure the poor little guy was dead. So no pics for me to post, but I'm confident the bird was beyond help. At first we thought it was a head injury, but now we're thinking neurological or disease. We're hoping not meraks (spelling?)...

Anyway, thanks for everyone's time. Guess all chicken owners face this dilema eventually...


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