Show chicken with badly swollen eye

Jan 2, 2018
my show chicken has a swollen eye and has gotten so bad 3 days I noticed it at a chicken show, i put him in the cage and noticed there is something wrong with his eye i can send pics plz help im going to panic I cannot lose him he is my best show bird!!!!!!
Post a pic if you can. If its damaged he'll likely loose the eye but will live just fine. Won't be able to show him though. It needs to be treated whether its infected or hurt either way. You may look into finding out if a vet will see him. Be prepared for his show career to be over though. If he recovers its going to take time.
Look up or Google mycoplasma (MG) and coryza in chickens. Those can cause sinus infection that is contagious and is spread by carrier chickens, even if they show not symptoms.
MG is treated with Tylan 50 injectable, but I would give it orally at a dose of 0.2 ml per pound 2-3 times a day. You can find that in feed stores. Terramycin eye ointment into the eye after cleaning twice a day can be helpful. He will always be a carrier, as will his flock mates, so no more shows or you will spread it to other flocks.

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