Show me your Easter Egger chicks please.



Arucauna ee x andalusian mix
i have a day old and half a day old. The day old whom i think needs remaming as cull pecks the crap out of and drags around the half day old. I have them segregated now. Please tell me they grow out of it very quickly.


My Cull remained the bully while she was a small chick, then she realized that none of the chickens wanted to have anything to do with her.
She ended up sleeping alone on the roost and walking around foraging alone during the day.
She probably didn't mind at all, but that was her life.
She didn't bully anyone anymore; she just didn't have any friends.
I sold her when she was two years old (I sell all my chickens at two years old).
I have loved looking through this thread!! I was told I ended up with 2 Easter eggers which I am fine with.
they are just 2 weeks old! I love them. I've only named one because she's a lighter copper color and so I named her Henny Penny (Penny). She's my fave.

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