Show me your light boxes - all types!


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
I have seen only two on here - one by Snowbird, and I don't recall who the other member was. I have been wanting to build one for some time now, but just can't decide how to go with it.

I would love to have something that's easy to take down & fold flat (or close to it) to save space. If that just won't work well, then I'll go with a stationary one.

I've seen a post that someone made one with foam board and velcro strips...another post where someone said they made one with PVC. If peeps can provide pics and measurements along with any instructions, that would really be helpful! Thanks!
What in the world do you do with a light box? Is it like a nest box with lights?
: )
HI, LISA!! Haven't seen you in awhile - thanks for popping in!!

Don, I"ve got the pic of yours along with the measurements - is yours made from wood? It almost looks like that paneling with the very shiny surface on one side (I don't recall what it's called). Also, will you please explain the process for the light? I have heard folks say to cut a hole the size of a tennis ball in the top, and then staple cheese cloth over it to work as a "diffuser" for the light, and then to just use a regular brooder lamp with a regular bulb. Is that what you've done?
Okay, I'm bumping my thread...I can't imagine there aren't more folks who use light boxes to take pics of their poultry...?

Snowbird, yours appears to be made from foam board - is that right?
I never heard of one until now. Neat ideal, may have to try that.
It's a good way to get a picture where the bird is standing correctly, "collected" as I like to say, and they typically don't try to hard to get out of the box, since you're in front with a camera!
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Okay, I'm bumping my thread...I can't imagine there aren't more folks who use light boxes to take pics of their poultry...?

Snowbird, yours appears to be made from foam board - is that right?
Wynette, the light box is made with 2x2's and the cheap multiple layer plywood from china, the sections are all screwed together with 3" screws, so would be easy to take down
gotcha. And then, did you simply spraipaint the inside? Also, can you give details on the top - what size is the hole for the light, I'm guessing the size of a tennis ball? And - do you use a regular "brooder type" light? Also, do you put anything - such as cheesecloth - over the hole to sort of diffuse the light a bit?

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