Show off your Americauna/EE eggs " PICS"

PICS we need PICS!!!!!
here's Earl not much to look at still very young.. but he has a personality a mile long..

Earls funky chicken body.. hahah

this is Maximus... hes going to be a realy beauty when I get weigh on him ( he's new and slowly gaining)

Maximus full body shot.. I love the blue in his Tail.. I cant wait for him to mature

Here's Rita she is very shy, dont have good pics of her yet.. still too young and new to me

here is Darcy. I love his coloring he too will be beautiful when he gets weight on him and matures.. right now hes just lean and tall.

this is a younger pic of Sookie I need more of her.. she reminds me of a seagull as a big girl she was hatched early April and isn't laying yet.

I've just purchased 2 new girls and plan on taking pics today so Ill post again later..

Looking forward to seeing everyone else s pics too.. I like the ease to Easter Eggers there's no stress about if their the right color or the wrong coloreds legs not enough beard. too much beard.. ahhhhh lets just enjoy our chickens and have fun
theres just too much squabbling on some other threads..


ps.. I just got my first light turquoise egg.. from my new girl Rhoda yeahhhhh Love my EE's
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We have 2 EEs and love them! They are the sweetest girls and very good layers!

Stella (L) and Agnes (R)

Here is a close-up of Stella's face.....we just love it!

The light blue/green eggs come from the EEs (the brown ones are from our Buff Orps)
My only EE hen. I think I'll add a couple next year, if this one ever starts to lay! Very quick on her feet, but nice and calm once caught. She follows right on our heels, and kind of patrols the yard like a dog
And she's a camera hog


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