Show off your Animals

Above is Missy. Comedy relief and #1 fox chaser.

Jake #1 coyote chaser.

Missy again.

My cuckoo marans rooster

Mutt cockerel

Small fraction of my hatchery order this spring. White chantecler & Dark Cornish or Easter Egger, not sure which.
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Here's that EE today at 7 weeks old.

A snapping turtle that lives in my pond. Heard about him from previous owners. First time seeing him this morning after 4 years. Just a bit bigger than my size 9 boot.

Here's my little Basque cockerel. He's 11 weeks old.
Basil the Basque is quite a sweet bird! Thanks! He's less tame now, but not bad. I have my first buff orpingtons & one of the 4 is very nice! Very people oriented like Basil used to be. It's nice to have 1 or 2 pet chickens that love to be petted!

There are buff orps, EEs, columbian wyandottes, black australorps, white chanteclers, white rocks & dark cornish in my flock this year.

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