Show off your baby chicks!

My BO are 4 weeks and the BR are 3 weeks. I decided to take them out for "recess" for 45 minutes or so in the sun. They were having fun until a little breeze came up, and then they snuggled together so I knew it was time to go in by the heat lamp. Soon, girls, soon it will warm up more, but not for a couple days here in Indiana.
So my girls got a supervised outdoor play date today, I am home with an ear infection and needed some sunshine they are about 3-4 weeks apart in age, but the BO are not at all impressed with their bigger siblings, and the BAs were very nice to them, the EEs didn't seem to care one way or the other


Lots of chicks look alike but then grow up to be very different. If you get a surprise batch, you should be prepared for surprises. And there are MANY names for the sexlinks. Some because they are trademarked "brands" (not breeds), some because they have a different combination of parent stock.

I know...I've given up on identifying them for sure until they get older. I'm just excited to watch them grow and develop.

Just got 3 more chicks! 1 Barred Rock(top picture), another Easter Egger(Couldn't help myself, she was just so adorable!), and 1 Rhode Island Red
I get my last chick next week and my flock will be complete!

Got in my last and final batch of babies today!! Went to pick up the 4 I ordered and come home with 5. Lol

Daisy the Barred Rock

Maisy the Barred Rock

Sweet Pea our Rhode Island Red

Nina our Silver Laced Wyandotte

And our little stow away Mrs Fuzzy Pants our Dark Brahma.

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