Show off your best rooster.

I used to have a huge beautiful buff orphinton rooster but had to cull him, attacked us one too many times. I have 2 small roosters now, one was free and I'm not sure what breed he is the other is a molted duccle sweet rooster.

This is a picture of my BO rooster see how big he was compared to the other rooster, this is the one that I don't know what breed he is.

Here is Hannibal the duccle.
Edited with an Instagram filter, I couldn't help it, it makes him look so purty. His name is Popcorn. My first chicken, he is a year old serama.
The hawk was on top of one of my buff orps and Rudy ran to the rescue. Instead of flying off the hawk stayed for a fight. After he killed Rudy it took me and my dog Rosie to run it off. I hope he doesn't return for a second try :(
Im sorry :c. I now leave our big dog outside to scare off hawks or any predators, but he doesnt mess with the chickens. Have you tried leaving your dog Rosie outside with the chickens?
Im sorry :c. I now leave our big dog outside to scare off hawks or any predators, but he doesnt mess with the chickens. Have you tried leaving your dog Rosie outside with the chickens?
Rosie would kill them. She isn't properly trained and she's only 10 months old and she's a mix of 2 hunting breeds so she's still hyperactive.
The hawk was on top of one of my buff orps and Rudy ran to the rescue. Instead of flying off the hawk stayed for a fight. After he killed Rudy it took me and my dog Rosie to run it off. I hope he doesn't return for a second try :(

That's so sad. My told ms the story of a game hen he had that w hawk flew down grabbed one of her chicks and flew off. That mama game hen flew off after that hawk and attacked the hawk. The hawk dropped the chick and the mama flew back down to her chicks. I can't remember if the chick survived but at least mama got her chick back and maybe that hawk would think twice next time.
Thank u we have 3 of breeding age and hatching lots more. They r the mcgraw birds. Same blood since 1968 and story is 1873. All our hens r same blood also.

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