Show tips.....


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
For any one who goes to the big show you will see people like me. who after all my birds are cleaned up and ready i like to go around and talk to the other showers about what they do to perpare their bird for show. So here is what i have discovered that were all just a bunch of unique people who love their birds and like to show others what we got.

Here are the tips i know.........

*for face, wattle, and comb i use vaseline or baby oil or baby oil gel applyed either by cotton swab also known as the cuttip, eyeliner bursh, or by hand

* For your birds feathers you can use sweet oil applyed lightly to a rag and then to you bird, Show Sheen which is actually a horse product spray it onto a silk rag and then smothly rub it down you birds feathers this will help with black feathered birds, or their is a hair spray product called Pink which you spray on and then rub it down your birds feathers this helps give it a nice gloss as well makes them smell good.

If you have any other tips i would love to read them
:)From one crazie bird person to another:)
You fail to mention, That before you show your chicken you must wash it, not this I had trouble with since I talk with people over in Australia and they had something else to wash THEIR CHICKENS (CHOOKS) I was not able to wash my chicken with the same but they said to use WOOLLITE but I use human shampoo, I fill the sink with warm water you can't make it to how or the chicken will pant, make it just almost luke warm. then at shampoo, enough you can get lather on your chicken. make the chicken wet to the skin. use a old soft tooth bush to do the wing feathers but not so hard you are not scubing your teeth you are removing drirt not plaque. once you have the chicken lathered let the water down if you have a sprayer on your sink it is easier if not a cup with do but make sure YOU GET ALL THE SOAP OF THE CHICKEN or the chicken will be itchy.
Next dry it off. I use a hair dryer but a towel will do, and if you have a cage like a dog carrier this is goo the chicken is the be washed like a week before the show it can't get dirty have pine shavings in the bottom of the cage.
Ok now you need to look at it is the any boroken feathers, I have been lucky if so pull they out, I know I thought the same thing if they are wing feathers still pull them out, they said it is better to have no feather then a broken feather. next trim the nails I try to but the dremil seems to bring blood fast so I don't get much off. trim the beak if you think it needs to be you need to look at it from the bottom if it is longer and it is not even then trim it up. When you go to show make sure you have water and scratch feed or something for them. The shows I went to I would never feed what they had to feed the chickens it was not bad I just would feed my chicken the stuff. Oh and you need to work with you chciken to get it so the judge can handle it and it has to be use to a small cage, it can't bite or try to harm the judge if it harms the judge it will be disqaulified I hear and if he has a hard time or can't catch it I don't think that is good either. I have only been to 2 shows but I talk to people over the net.
There is more then just vaseline and things to make it look beeter you also didn't say anthing about puting it on the legs some use olive oil to make the legs and beak and comb shine. you are about to use this sort of stuff but you can't inhance it but let's say you have a rooster they his comb should be redder you can't use a dye that will make it redder you understand this inhancing is a disqualifing. Have I helped anyone out, oh I forgot to say they also have people to test youo chicken for TB they take you chickens wing a prick it and put a bit of blood down on some glass and something else then if it is ok they band it. and this test is good for 3 months.

[email protected]

The message board I am on is

they can help you more then I can they are Australian but the rules of showing are about the same.

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For the horses, instead of using Show Sheen, I use Avon's Skin So Soft oil and water. Use one part SSS for every 4-5 parts water. You could probably water it down a little further for the chickens.
It's a lot cheaper and smells really good! It's also a great bug repellant.
I wash all my birds before the show i use ivry dish soap and quick silver to whiten my bird (don't directly put the quick silver on your white chicken for it will turn you bird purple) then with rinsing my birds i use water and white vinegar so that it takes out all of the sudds.
also with the test they put the blood on a iodine but also they are tested for pollorum and avian typoid
Howdy Ya'll

Fancie is a white Silkie poullet. She is a diaper wearing house chicken.

When I shampoo her in the kitchen sink, I use a shampoo that is marketed for white dogs. I also use the dish soap with bleach for her poof stain, which lightens it - but there is some light tan coloration. I am thinking about adding a few drops of bleach to the poof to see if that will help.

I have heard that a little vinegar is good in rinsing away the soap, but I haven't used it, I just rinse a lot with running water.

After all the rinsing, she gets wrapped in a towel to wick away moisture, and for about 15 minutes I hold her and we watch tv. Then off to the bathroom and she gets blow dried which accentuates her fluffiness. She does not appreciate it and will complain and fuss while being dried.

Then we put a little oil on everything that isn't covered with feathers.

I get help with trimming her toenails, and I trim her upper beak with toenail clippers every few weeks.

I wouldn't use bleach that you use in the laundry for her stain this will burn her skin, it will burn your skin if it is on you to. Why in heavens name would you use such a harsh thing on a chicken and the fumes surely would not be good for the chicken. I would think it would dissolve the feathers right off the chicken. You don't or you can't think of using this on the chicken it would hurt him/her. Please don't there must be something else.

Go to

and ask these people they can tell you what to use if no one here knows, but BLEACH you use in the wash. I wouldn't if I was you.

have you guys heard of the show sheen product ( i show horses) called World Champion Show Pepi? would you think that would work too?

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