Shrub fertilisers that are chicken-safe?

May 17, 2020
Its been a hot, dry Oregon summer and I have several large arborvitae that really need to be fertilised, but don’t know what is safe to use. The arborvitae are growing inside the run, so anything I put in the soil will be fully accessible to the ladies. Any suggestions for something that will really provide substantial nutrients to the trees, but not harm the chickens?
Chickens generally will not eat their poo if they are fed enough, mine never have eaten their own poo

If you are going to use a fertilizer, use one that is organic (means natural, like chicken/horse/cow poo), chemical fertilizers damage the plant, soil microbiome and the animals around it

Can I ask what those 2 large depressions are from?

It seems like you have a topsoil erosion problem, you can try to give some chicken poo around the crowns of the trees as a fertilizer, given that you mix/till it in

(I know that was off topic but I studied soil when I was in FFA and felt like i had to say something)
Its been a hot, dry Oregon summer and I have several large arborvitae that really need to be fertilised, but don’t know what is safe to use. The arborvitae are growing inside the run, so anything I put in the soil will be fully accessible to the ladies. Any suggestions for something that will really provide substantial nutrients to the trees, but not harm the chickens?
Chicken manure is a good fertilizer.
Since those are inside the chicken run, I would expect they are already getting fertilized pretty well.

What makes you say they need more?
The chickens dust bathe under them, so it’s the least fertilised spot in the run, lol, what with the constant scratching away the dirt/dust. I think a good layer of compost, bone meal, guano, etc and then block it off so it actually gets absorbed for a bit before they can scratch it away. Thanks all!

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