Shy hens


5 Years
Jun 18, 2014
Des Moines, Iowa
I purchased three laying barred rock hens yesterday, got them all settled and happy in their coop and run. They roosted just fine last night but now today two of the hens havent left the coop at all. Are they just getting acclimated and I should leave them be, or do I need to toss them out into the run to eat and drink? I do have a second waterer in the coop but I haven't seen them off the roost at all today and it's pretty hot here today.
Gah! Forgot to reply! Thanks for your concern and suggestion. I did end up just leaving them alone and now they are all three doing well and integrating just fine. Must have just been some residual stress from the move. One of the ladies actually laid me an egg the next day!

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