Sick 2 day old silkie chick


5 Years
Apr 21, 2018
Wilmington, NC
Hi, I have a 2 day old silkie chick that is having issues. I got two fertile silkie eggs from someone off Craigslist and let my silkie hen that was Brody hatch them. The first one is fine and is with the Brody hen the second one was rejected by the Brody hand so she was immediately brought in and put in a brooder with light, heat, & medicated Mash, and feeding in a dropper, water with electrolytes, apple cider vinegar along with cinnamon. She has spraddle leg which she has Band-Aids on to correct and I have seen a big Improvement since yesterday already. She also seems to have respiratory distress and can't seem to swallow. She does have bubbling eyes and mouth and is not actively eating but is alert and when I speak to her she perks up. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why or what I need to do? I dont want to lose this chick...any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you,
Our baby chick (2 days of age) was taken by a rat by the eye and the rat was about to feast on her but we found it, yelled and it dropped the baby and left! She was loosing so much blood and we thought for sure she about to die, she lost an entire eyebut we put water into her food and syringe fed her, she now has a disability but eats, drinks and plays with her friends! We also syringe fed her water (with electrolytes) she is so inspirational, even if she’s not broody she will take it any chick and nurture it.

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