
In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2018
Hello fellow chicken peeps! I'm new here, and I need some help. Sorry in advance for this being so long.

I have been raising chickens for over 2 years now, and I have a dilemma. One of my black austrolorp hens started acting weird about 4 or 5 months ago. She started mounting other hens and wouldn't lay eggs, and was sometimes forming scabs on her underside.
Last Saturday, my little yorkie dog was biting on her legs and and injured her (the dog has never done this before, and he has been around chickens for most of his life and left them alone so it was strange).

So, she was limping around the run and coop, but was still eating and drinking and acting normal until last night. Last night she would not roost, and would only lay in the nesting box on her side (as if to take pressure off of her legs). And I looked her over and she has blueish bruise looking skin on her legs, and open and scabbed up wounds. She was and still is holding her tail downwards covering her vent, and all around her vent is red. So, last night I bathed her to clean her up (she had a lot of poop stuck to her tail feathers from holding it down). After bathing her I dried her real good with a blowdryer, put some neosporin on her wounds, and kept her inside away from the others. She wont drink any water and only eats a bit of food here and there. She refuses to walk, and her poo is really runny and brown. At first I thought it was just thrush, but their coop abd water is clean. Can someone please help? What is wrong with her? Does she need to be culled? There are no vets near me that will look at birds.

Thanks in advance!!!
I didn't get any help from here, but here is an
Little Debbie is almost fully mended. She is acting like her normal self again. She went back outside with the others today, and has already asserted her dominance as top hen on the pecking order again.
What I did was keep her hydrated and fed, kept her in a small kennel so she couldn't move too much (so she would rest those wounded legs), and kept her away from the other hens. All is good in the neighborhood.

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