Sick Araucana Hen


Sep 1, 2017
Hello everyone. I am from Australia and just today my araucana hen as been lethargic and tired. She can move, but chooses not to. I’ve had her for 3 years and I think she was about 6 months to a year when I bought her. I think she will die today. She is usually a very shy girl but now she won’t move. Please help me if you can. She has also not laid an egg for at least 4 months.

lethargic and tired. She can move, but chooses not to. I’ve had her for 3 years and I think she was about 6 months to a year when I bought her. I think she will die today. She is usually a very shy girl but now she won’t move. Please help me if you can. She has also not laid an egg for at least 4 months.
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View attachment 1806136

If she's not laid an egg in 4 months, she may be suffering from a reproductive disorder like Egg Yolk Peritonitis, cancer, tumors, Internal Laying or similar.
I would feel her abdomen for any bloat/swelling or fluid. Check the crop to see if it's emptying overnight.
Sadly if it's a reproductive issue, there is no real treatment except to offer supportive care and make them comfortable. If there is swelling due to fluid in the abdomen, sometimes draining that can give them some relief.

If you have a vet that can check a stool sample for worms that might be a good idea as well.
If she's not laid an egg in 4 months, she may be suffering from a reproductive disorder like Egg Yolk Peritonitis, cancer, tumors, Internal Laying or similar.
I would feel her abdomen for any bloat/swelling or fluid. Check the crop to see if it's emptying overnight.
Sadly if it's a reproductive issue, there is no real treatment except to offer supportive care and make them comfortable. If there is swelling due to fluid in the abdomen, sometimes draining that can give them some relief.

If you have a vet that can check a stool sample for worms that might be a good idea as well.
Thank you, I think she may have cancer. She hasn’t moved for hours and when she opens her eyes which is rare, they close in less than 3 seconds. I don’t think she’ll make the night.
Thank you, I think she may have cancer. She hasn’t moved for hours and when she opens her eyes which is rare, they close in less than 3 seconds. I don’t think she’ll make the night.
I'm very sorry :hugs

If you decide to perform a necropsy yourself, take some photos of what you find, we will try to help you with what you see. It's understandable, if this is something you don't want to do. A lot of us have found that taking a look helps us learn more about these sweet beautiful creatures, see what they have faced and appreciate them more. It also gives closure and helps us understand that we did all we could for them.
I'm very sorry :hugs

If you decide to perform a necropsy yourself, take some photos of what you find, we will try to help you with what you see. It's understandable, if this is something you don't want to do. A lot of us have found that taking a look helps us learn more about these sweet beautiful creatures, see what they have faced and appreciate them more. It also gives closure and helps us understand that we did all we could for them.
Thank you for this. I’ve had quite a few hens pass away so I’m used to it. I don’t think I’d be able to cut her open, I like to respect their deceased bodies.

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