Sick bird. What's wrong? Can she be fixed or is it too late?


9 Years
May 20, 2014
I have a flock of 7 birds. 2 Amberlink 3 Plymouth Rock 2 Blue Laced Wyandotte. One of my Wyandotte has recently started acting strange. Well, let me preface that by saying she has traditionally been the strangest of the bunch. She often gets broody, doesn't like to come near when we feed her, she stays to herself, and the other hens seem to pick on her a bit. They're all just under 2 years old. It's pretty cold around here and has recently been in the 20s with temperatures expected to be below 0 by Christmas. Oddly, her comb is barely visible. It's basically a nub on the top of her head. Eye color looks good.

The past three days she has been lethargic and hasn't been moving around. She's stopped pecking and scratching at the ground and doesn't seem to have any interest in food. Then today I was watching her and she started doing this head bob like she was about to puke or upchuck something. Nothing comes out and she eventually goes back into her quiet, lethargic state. I noticed that her crop seems really large so I massaged it for about a minute to see if I could feel any lumpiness. None was detected. However, I did notice what looks like drool coming from her beak. So I held her upside down and lots of very stinky fluid was coming up.

Could this be sour crop? I didn't notice any sauerkraut odor while I was doing it. Right now she's just staring right at the fence and not moving at all.
I'm pretty sure she is suffering and I'd like to her help her if I can. Anyone know what this could be or what's best for her?
She has sour crop if her crop is not emptying overnight, is full and squishy, and due to the stinky odor that she vomited. The article link by Razzlefrazzle is good. Azygous is good with crop advice. Many use Nystatin a prescription antifungal, or Medistatin, the same thing available for pigeons online. Sour crop can be a bacterial or a fungal infection. If you have a vet familiar with chicken ailments that may help. Even though her crop is nit emptying, she still needs food, such as egg, plain yogurt, and watery chicken feed. No whole grains though.

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