sick 2 year old hen

  1. M

    Sick Chicken. Nothing obvious but definitely not right.

    Hello! I need your experience. I have a 2 year old hen who has been lethargic and stopped laying about a week ago. She doesn’t have a runny nose, watery eyes, nor is she sneezing. Breathing just fine. No runny poop, as a matter of fact, barely poops because she’s not eating much. She does tend...
  2. chicken79aries

    Sick bird. What's wrong? Can she be fixed or is it too late?

    I have a flock of 7 birds. 2 Amberlink 3 Plymouth Rock 2 Blue Laced Wyandotte. One of my Wyandotte has recently started acting strange. Well, let me preface that by saying she has traditionally been the strangest of the bunch. She often gets broody, doesn't like to come near when we feed her...
  3. Kg2022

    Help! Sick 2yr old chicken …pics posted

    Poop / looks like large marble size lash egg?
  4. PisstartTheGroot

    2 year old Isa brown, lethargic clicking sound when held

    My Isa brown (Cinnabun) seemed pretty off when I went outside, lethargic, labored breathin, tough bell, reluctant to walk, puffed up feathers, she does have mites pretty bad but I have treated her for them alread. She has a clicking sound when she breathes in on her left side. I gave her an...
  5. Greystone farm

    Swollen tummy/abdomen

    Hi there! My precious Rhode Island Red hen Oakley seems to have a bloated/swollen abdomen and I have no clue what to do about it. She has a rather intense medical history... over a year ago Oakley was attacked by a wild animal and her esophagus was ripped open. She underwent a surgery and...
  6. Sally487

    red feet

    Hi this is sally my chicken she is about 2 years old Isa brown she has been looking sick lately and I think she needs a cure she drinks fine but can only eat soft food with some difficulty she is not as energetic as my other chickens and looks like she is always cold she also has red feet
  7. M

    Help! Chicken won't eat and had diarrhea for over a week now

    I have a two year old hen.. about 10 days ago she stopped eating on her own and has had constant diarrhea... I have tried VetrX and feed her with a dropper a few times a day electrolytes and probiotics and try to give her soft food but she barely takes anything. She has no other major symptoms...
  8. NanaB15

    *Pictures* 2 year old Dominique with RED but/vent! *HELP*

    I noticed yesterday she was acting odd. Still eating, drinking a bit more than usual. Today I looked at her bum, because she's been acting broody and is also molting, and seen her butt/vent looked as it did. I sprayed some Medicine on her bum and vent area. She's just chilling in her spot right...
  9. kaperi

    Ameraucana not getting up

    Hi there. Needing your precious help. i have a 1 1/2 year old Ameraucana Splash. she was brought home with her sister three weeks ago, she was Laying before getting here but hasn’t laid since. Although I take her out, she doesn’t seem like the other hens are picking on her, even though she’s...
  10. Nelson-Collier

    🚨 Potential Dying Hen? Help??!

    (Pictures provided below.) One of my 7 laying hens has been extremely lethargic and listless for the past couple of days. I first noticed it when I let them out the other day to roam while supervised (I have a large caged in run I keep them in, adequate feed and water). After they all ran out...
  11. S

    Need Help: Sick Polish Bantam Hen

    Need advice regarding treatment for my two-year-old Polish bantam hen who is sick. We first noticed symptoms a week ago. We found her in her outdoor run on Sunday very lethargic but standing up. We assumed it was heat related and spent the night cooling her off. She perked up a little and ate...
  12. K

    Lethargic Ameraucana Hen With Longstanding Egg Issues

    1) Bird Age and Weight The lethargic hen is an Ameraucana hen that's 2 years 4 months old (born in January 2018). She's lighter than our other two hens (a Rhode Island Red and a Plymouth Rock), but she's always been that way-- there's been no noticeable weight loss recently. 2) Behavior /...
  13. Elie And Her Flock

    Liquid white droppings with green chunks

    Hey guys! I'm new to the Backyard Chickens site, and fairly new to chicken keeping - i've been doing it for 2 years now. Today while cleaning my flock's coop, I noticed that one of my chickens (a 2 year old hen) was not being herself - lethargic, hunched over, not eating and barely moving. I...
  14. Wonderling

    Water belly?

    My australorp hen (Poppy) has a swollen abdomen and it acting rather lethargic. She doesn't appear to be having any trouble breathing but her poo matches the chicken that had ovarian cancer that had spread to other organs from this...
  15. C

    ISA Brown sick

    Hello all, I don’t post much but I am at such a loss right now. My dear Chiquita is a 2.5 year old ISA Brown hen who has been such a sweetheart her whole life. Two nights ago she suddenly lost the ability to move her left leg and has not been able to walk properly. I had her checked out by a vet...
  16. EricaCAL

    One chicken being bullied and she wont move!

    Hi all. So I have 6 backyard chickens, that's the whole flock. I have one Buff Orpington (Buffy) who used to be near the top of the pecking order and now she is being mercilessly bullied by the other 5. We noticed a change in her behavior two weeks ago and then saw her being pecked in the...
  17. T

    sick chicken. again!

    Hello all, Ive been on here a number of times reading up on how to treat my flock and everyone seems to be very knowledgeable. SO here my problem...i had a sick chicken that sadly passed away 5 months ago. i thought she was egg bound as she had all the symptoms, but i could never feel an egg...
  18. jennkretz

    2 Year Old Buff Orpington Sick - I don't know what's wrong

    In the last few weeks my 2 year old Buff Orpington hen has had a droopy, purplish comb. She's been eating well and getting around find, so I haven't worried about it. But the last 3-4 days she's not going into the coop at night (she has to jump up) so we've been picking her up and putting her...
  19. Randu

    2 yr old hen - poo-covered butt feathers, behaviour change

    Problem: I have a 2yr old layer hen that has recently developed a very poo (and dirt from dirt bathing) covered area below her vent. Today I noticed when she was trying to poo, they looked normal, but very small amounts coming out and sometimes runny - compounding her dirtiness. She also was not...
  20. C

    Feather Loss and No Eggs! Help!

    Hi everyone! I live in Australia and gave three backyard chickens, I'm pretty sure they're ISA browns. We've had them about two years, from a few months old. A few months ago the girls all went through molt. But one never grew them back, and has continued losing feathers on her chest, neck...
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