Sick black-bellied whistling duck **HELP!!**


7 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Hawi, Hawaii
Hi Everyone,
I have 5 black-bellied whistling ducks approximately 18 months old. One of them has started sneezing repeatedly in succession. 10 times in a row. I also noticed that it's (I have no idea if it is male or female) whistle has suddenly changed from exactly like the other 4 to a higher pitched and rough sounding whistle. This is new from today so I'm hoping if it is something bad I can catch it quick.

I live in an extremely remote location without access to a vet. BUT I do have a quite extensive med kit on hand.

I have available to me:
3 sulfas injectable
Oxytetracycline 50mg/ml injectable (this particular type can also be administered by mouth)
Vita drench
Probiotic drench
Worming meds of 2 types, fenbendazole and pyromantel

And one last detail, I noticed 3 days ago that this duck had a slight limp. It's foot looks totally normal but it does try to wriggle away from me when I probe the upper leg. I don't know if this is in any way related.

I have come to this forum many times for help and am eternally grateful for the help I receive. Thank you in advance!

Iron Eagle

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