Sick call duck? Please HELP a new duck owner...


11 Years
Jul 17, 2008
North Central Florida
Forgive my ignorance fellow duck owners...(we're more "chicken people")...but last month my DD was given a beautiful, young white male call duck last month from a really good breeder. As soon as we got him to the car, we noticed he kept sneezing. Once we got him home and settled with our other new male white call duck (that my son bought), we noticed her duck "Aflac" was having a hard time walking on the wire bottom to the cage. So I trimmed him nails.

Aflac has progressively gotten SOOO dirty, dispite us cleaning their drinking and swimming water (in a kitty-litter pan in the cage). His bottom is AWFUL! His walking on wire has gotten no better...rolls to his side and on to his back.

We have him a light bath and a good swim in clean water...he shakes ALL THE when we allowed him to walk on the concrete floor of the barn, he still rolls to his side and on to his back. Now he is breathing like he has a runny nose. Eyes are bloodshot.

The other duck is MUCH cleaner, can walk fine and breathes fine. ??????

For now, Aflac is in the house..until I can figure what to do...

Were we given a sick duck??? What to do??? Any suggestions?

The only medication that I have is for chickens---water soluable Tylan.
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I'm pretty sure other people have had this problem and will chime in, but if u don't get your answer (even know you might not have an avian vet nearby) you could ask your vet what he/she thinks and if they don't know could easily look it up and give you treatments
OMG my lil white male call duck had this same thing. He would not clean himself and he had the shakes and he would flip on his back or roll on his side unless I would prop him up. He was also wheezing when he breathed. I would give warm baths, I hoped he would regain his balance if he swim around for awhile, or maybe the warmth would clear up his breathing. Unfortunately he was scheduled to go to the vets but he passed away before I could get him there. So...... Im sorry I can't help your more. All I can really say is get him to a vet that knows what their talking about fast!!
Baytril suspension is a great antibiotic to clear up sinus infections in ducks, which is what this sounds like to me-see if your vet can get you some. It's not cheap, but it works great!
Make sure he has plenty of water deep enough to clean his nares out all of the time(which I'm sure you do).
Giving him swim time in warm water is good and keeping him in the house right now is good.
Do you have a picture of him?
He likely has an infection - whether you get something from a vet or the feedstore with advice from a vet, I think it would not hurt to get him on an appropriate antibiotic.

Also, vitamins with probiotics is a good system support supplement. Keep him warm and dry, I would take him into the tub at about 70 degrees F for a good bath, then dry him off and put him in a relatively warm place so he doesn't get chills. Put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for each gallon of his drinking water as a tonic.

What has he been getting for feed? You say he is young - many young ducks need quite a bit of niacin in their diets, and if he's been on chicken feed he may be deficient in niacin - and some of his symptoms sound like that.

Those are my thoughts, based on what you've offered.
Okay...update...still some concerns, but also seeing some improvement just by having Aflac inside. He seems to be able to hold his weight now...although wobbley on the hardwood floors. Breathing like a stuffy nose now...will quack and wants DD to hold him.

I have had him on Purina Flock Raiser. How much Niacin should ducks have?

Thanks so much, guys. I really appreciate your duck wisdom!

Let's see if I can remember how to attach a photo:


How precious! Looks like he has a sinus infection, or similar.

Can you get him into a lukewarm bath and let him snort some water through his nose for a little while? That and the vitamins will help. I'll look up the niacin requirements, and post if no one else has them handy.
From Holderread (Storey's Guide):

Prevention of niacin deficiency - 35 mg available niacin per pound of feed, 0 - 2 weeks of age, 30 from 2 - 10 weeks

If symptoms of niacin deficiency are present, add 100 to 150 mg of niacin per gallon of drinking water until they are 8 to 10 weeks old

Can you find out what his feed has been?
Yes, I can. I really appreciate your advice and guidance. This is all very new to me and I would hate anything to happen to Aflac because of my ignorance. Will post %age of niacin soon.


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