Sick Chick Won't eat!! Help!


5 Years
Feb 2, 2014
Raymondville, TX
I got four chicks yesterday. One was very very fluffy and at first I thought there was a leg problem but it was that she was almost too weak to stand and couldn't poop. Which is why I think she was so large.

I seperated her and started giving electrolyte water and some olive oil. Almost immediately I think she had her first poop. Watery and just a bit green. I proceeded with water and a few more drops of olive oil. She perked up some and this morning is no longer wobbly on her feet. However, I started molasses and water drops to get some sugar into her as she won't eat!! I'm giving water every hour or so and trying mushed chick feed but she only drinks.

I've seen a few more water poops and some poop squats that don't produce anything. Her vent is perfectly clean.

Please help! I don't want to lose her. She's four days today.
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Your electrolyte water has sugar in it, and since molasses may cause diarrhea in chicks, I would probably stop the oil and molasses. Put down some paper towel on the floor of the brooder, and sprinkle some chick crumbles around her feet--you may have already done this, but it should get her to try some bites. They can suffer from shipping stress for up to a week with deaths, but I hope the chicks starts passing stools and eating for you. Dip the beak and it should drink, and hopefully start perking up. Make sure the brooder is not too hot--90 is plenty for the first week, and have a cooler spot in there for them to get away from heat.
Okay thanks!! I'll try new fresh water and small crumbles. Her temp is good. So I'll just make sure she stays hydrated and hope she eats soon. Poor thing.

Oh she wasn't shipped. I picked her up from a local ranch. So I'm more worried since she hasn't had that much stress.

Thank you for your help!!!!!
This is the reason that most people need to get more than 2 chickens, in case one doesn't make it. Chicks can be frail little things sometimes, and it is very common to lose one. I'm so hoping that your little one gets better. Try a little raw egg mixed with crumbles, or even a bit of crumbles mixed with electrolyte water--just a teaspoonful to see if she likes it.

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