sick chick


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 18, 2010
Northwest WA
Hi, one of my 4 week old buff orpington chicks is having a behind problem. About a week ago, it was pasted up, and was raw and red and missing feathers there. I saw it peck at its behind to try to get the poop off. I cleaned it up really well and have been keeping it really clean all week, but it is still having trouble going. It is all swollen and firm around the hole and all that will come out is a little bit of white liquid. When it tries to go, it squats and makes a lot of noise like it is really struggling, and nothing comes out. All it has eaten is chick starter and maybe a dandelion, no other treats. Is there something I can give it to relieve its constipation?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Sounds like it has pasty butt. Are you positive that its hole is all cleaned up and there's nothing blocking its poop from escaping? If you don't see any, it must be blocked on the inside. I'd take a warm wet rag and just hold it to the chicks butt for 5 minutes or so, let it soften anything on the rear, so that maybe the backup of poo will come out.

Good luck though, I hope things work out!
So I've tried pretty much everything, warm rag for 5 minutes multiple times a day, I even brought it in and gave it a bath last night (and blow dried it afterwards). I tried giving it yogurt with oatmeal mixed in and it wouldn't eat it. I've given it lots of drinks of water, and tried putting apple cidar vinegar in the water. This chick is still not pooping and the hole seems clear from the outside, but the hind end is very swollen and hard, so something is obstructing from the inside I think. It is getting worse and worse, and the chick now just stands under the heat lamp with its eyes closed and won't move much at all. Is it time to give up on this one?? DH says he will "take care of it" for me when he gets home from work if I want him to?? I'll keep trying if there's a chance it will get better, but I hate to watch it suffer.
Any more ideas??

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