sick chicken..but not egg bound i think


6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
Iris won't come out of co-op..Tail feathers hunkered down..Comb still decent color will eat and drink if I feed it. I have put my index finger in as far as 3 inches but don't feel an egg. Soaking her now Gave her Tums...mostly clear and white diarrhea. Started corrid I have had coccidyia in the past. It has been moist and rainy lately but all other hens are fine. I really thought she had an egg stuck but I didn't feel anything and had my pointer finger up to the knuckle. Everything seemed clear when I was soaking her. . Such unusal behavior for this chicken.
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I have had coccidyia in the I am treating for that.....I thought for sure she was egg bound but didn't feel anything
When you say clear and white diarrhea - are there any undigested grains or green solids in there?

A photo of the poop as well as of Iris would be good, to give us more of an idea of what is happening.

Also, can you give us any more information - has anything at all (no matter how minor it seems) changed recently - feed, bedding, coop, new chickens added to the flock?

Has anything unusual happened - severe weather conditions, animal attack, other illness (are any of the other chickens looking sick, with the same or different symptoms)?

And finally, is it at all possible that she has had access to anything such as spoiled food, raw meat that might have gone off, new plants that she could have eaten berries or leaves from?

The more you can tell us, even if it seems irrelevant to you, the more we can try and help you.
Sorry for my poor description wanted to get some info on here before I headed out. So Friday Iris went in coop early to roost about two hours before sun down. Unusal behavior for her. Saturday morning she did not come out. I chased her out but she just wanted to hunker down close to the ground so I caught her and put her back I coop. She got on roost and stayed all day. I started treating with Corrid right away thinking that may be it. Poo is clear with some white no grains. I syringed some Corrid and water into her Saturday. Today she didn't want to go out again so I took her a bowl of hard boiled eggs and her regular feed. She ate on her own but wants to stay in the coop. Funny stance with tail down so I read about egg bound. Syringed her a Tums in water. Noticed she is contracting at the vent. She seems to still be doing this. I felt around vent felt hard to me so I thought egg bound. I did soak her in a tub and she relaxed enough for me to get finger up tube area to the larger area where the egg should be-felt nothing. Dried her off and put her in a crate awhile but still nothing. Her comb looks red and vibrant. She is still contracting her vent. Like she is going to poo but I haven't seen anything. I just put her back in the coop on the roost and she ate more feed. Still hunkered down with tail.
15 total chickens-no others are sick-they free range during day. No diet changes but she could have eaten something outside off the ground. I'm concerned cause it has gone on more than a couple of days. She has an appetite but doesn't want to get off roost. When I put her on ground she hunkers down. Ideas?

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