Sick chicken. Desperately need help!!!


May 3, 2022
I have around 30 chickens as well as ducks and geese. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that one of my roosters was wobbly on his feet. I went away on holiday and got someone to feed my chickens while I was gone. During that time he died. A couple of days later I noticed a 5 month old chick had become sick similarly to the rooster. She was very wobbly on her feet and her wings were drooping. So, I isolated her from the rest of my chickens with some water and food. The poor thing kept getting sicker and sicker until she died. Now I have another chicken, 1 and a half years old, who appears to have the same symptoms. Her wings are dropping, she’s unsteady on her feet and I have also noticed her feathers are puffed up a bit. I have been giving her water mixed with a bit of molasses every morning as well as some coconut oil. She hasn’t improved but she hasn’t gotten any worse. She has lived longer than the two other chickens did when they have gotten sick. Earlier today I was looking under her wings and I found some bug things, after researching I think they are poultry lice. I looked at another healthy chicken of mine and I couldn’t see any on her. What do I do? Is there something else that could be causing these symptoms? Please help, she is one of my favourite chickens, she is soooo friendly and it’s breaking my heart to watch her slowly die.
The lice could make her anemic. I would use a product for lice and get rid of them on both your chickens and coop/run. No home remedies, they don't work and you have chickens dying. So you don't have time to experiment. We use Permethrin (sp). it can be purchased on line or at some feed and grain stores. Good luck.
:frow Welcome to BYC from New Orleans. You have come to the right place for answers. Let's get some people who are more knowledgeable than I am involved.
@Overo Mare
Thanks y'all
Yes, you can use a permethrin-based spray under her arms and throughout her feathers. But read the packaging before spraying/using. It is still a harmful chemical in too-large amounts, and should be used with appropriate caution.

But perhaps the lice are spreading another illness besides sucking blood? I am not sure..... Hopefully more answers and help comes your way!
Yes, you can use a permethrin-based spray under her arms and throughout her feathers. But read the packaging before spraying/using. It is still a harmful chemical in too-large amounts, and should be used with appropriate caution.

But perhaps the lice are spreading another illness besides sucking blood? I am not sure..... Hopefully more answers and help comes your way!
When I was looking at the bugs crawling on her they had red blotches in the middle of them. I assumed that that was their stomachs and they had been feeding on her blood.
I use Permethrin as well. You will need to treat all birds (under wings, around vent, and on belly) and living quarters every 7 days until all bugs are gone.

I use Gordon's 10% found at TSC. You can also use Horse and Stable spray that comes ready in a bottle.

Welcome to BYC!
I would definitely treat all of your birds for lice/mites. If you think about it, we can become quite unsteady if we're anemic, amongst other signs and symptoms.

One other option that I have used is Elector PSP. I found that it works very quickly with minimal effort, but it's costly. Plus I'm unable to find it locally. In your case, I'd pick up some permethrin today and start treating today using information provided by Mare above.
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Oh good point. It does seem like they may not be in the US. In that case, I'm unsure of what's available.
Au. I have never seen permethrin but I have seen different mite sprays, I’m out of town and I won’t be able to get one til tomorrow. My aunt said that she thought tea tree oil could work on getting rid of them. Have you ever heard of this or know anything more about it?

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