Sick Chicken, is this water belly?

Sometimes they can have water belly in addition to internal laying, cancer, fatty liver and other conditions. It is caused by the kidney function. If you see yellow urates, the normally white material in their poop, it is usually water belly. You or your vet could insert a sterile 18 gauge needle under the skin of her belly, and if you get yellow fluid, that is confirmation of water belly. Let us know what the vet suggests.
they gave her an x-ray, ultrasound, and drained 115ml of yellow fluid from her. they said the ultrasound showed that most of her abdomen is filled with solid, and not liquid. they’re hoping the solid part is just enflamed tissue from egg yolk peritonitis, so she’s on a diaretic, anti inflammatory, and antibiotic medication right now to see if she perks up, rechecking in 3-4 weeks. if she doesn’t perk up at all, they think it could be tumors :(

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