Sick chicken - lethargic and sitting in the corner - advice please.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 18, 2009
Fareham, Hampshire UK
I have 7 ex-battery hens which we have had since October last year. We lost one just after Christmas to a similar illness and now we have one with similar symptoms and i really don't want to lose another one especially as she is a favourite.

She seemed fine this morning and when i went to put them to bed she was in the corner of the shed sitting hunched in the corner. She is lethargic and not drinking or eating. I have given her a syringe full of Diarolyte but not sure what to do with her.

The one that died was lethargic, hunched in the corner, very pale in the face and comb, ruffled feathers and i think these might be the early symptoms.

They are fed on Layers pellets with corn scattered for breakfast. Also for breakfast they have cooked up peelings or left overs veg from the night before and some bread, they also have some cabbage or brocolli hanging from the run to entertain them and i tend to scatter some more corn for lunch.

We wormed them all in January after losing the first one i thought it would be best to worm them and treat for redmites (which they didn't have) but powdered them anyway.

The vet ruled out coccidosis for the last one but was discussed over the phone and not seen. One of the others did have some diarrhoea but no blood and just brown in colour.

Is there anything i can treat her with?? I will carry on with the Diaroltye tomorrow but any advice would be greatly appreciated. As it is the weekend the vets are closed.

They are keep in a 6 x 4 shed (shavings bedding and straw in the nesting box) with a 3m x 2m run which has just a dirt/mud floor.

Look forward to hearing any advice.


I am wondering why he ruled out coccidiosis. As they are battery hens, raised on wire (most likely), they would probably not have built up immunity to the cocci that they would be exposed to on dirt. The symptoms sound likely to me.

Have you felt her all over for any unusual lumps or swelling? Is her crop emptying? Any discharge from the vent? Any symptoms around the face or eyes? Any sign of mites or lice? I would bring her inside to a warm, quiet, dark spot until you have a better idea of what is going on. Cut out the corn and bread for now until they are healthy. Make sure they all have access to oyster shell and grit at all times.
Apparently they ruled it out as they are full vaccination and treated. They have a grit box which they do eat. Crop isn't very full so don't think she has eaten much today.

No discharge from vent, face clear and no other symptoms, checked all over and no lumps. I will order some Coccid as don't know which shops i can get it from and the vet wont supply it unless they see her.
You can also use Sulmet if you can't find Corid locally. I think if she were mine, I would go ahead and start the treatment ASAP since it can take them down so quickly. I don't believe there are any vaccinations or treated feed that are super effective. I had one with Cocci that had been on medicated feed.
possible mud fever.

I am experiencing it myself... not lost one yet... but still...

Check it out... especially if you have a muddy run.

treatment can be found BDM soluble at BUT PLEASE make sure it is mud fever first.

Lathargic birds, pale legs, pink or red on feet, maybe walking with limp.

It is a horse issue mainly but chickens and turkeys get it too... (i'm sure other livestock as well)
I didn't realise chickens got mud fever. I will check for that but i am sure when i checked her legs they looked clear and they are not limping. Will keep an eye out for that in the future and doublecheck in the morning.
I didn't realize it either... but upon trying to help my flock out I learned that apparently it isn't rare.

I hope more people realize it. I think it could be worse this year with the odd weather ever region is having... I know I never had this much mud.
I'm not sure what your hen has, but I had a young pullet with similar symptoms - she was very sleepy and would either stand or lay down and sleep while the other chickens were up and about - she also had ruffled feathers and green poop. I brought her inside during the nights & mornings (for warmth) and fed her plain yogurt with polyvisol (baby vitamins - no iron). I let her out with the others when they free-ranged to keep her spririts up. After two days, she was back to normal - this was 4 weeks ago and she is still doing great.

If she's not eating or drinking, you can feed her with a syringe. Mine was still eating and drinking, but not much, hence the green poop.
I lost one with those symptoms about a month ago. I was told to bring her in and pamper her but did so after she had stopped eating/drinking. It was too late by then.

I wish you the best. Maybe with the force feeding she'll pull through.


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