Sick chicken - Looking for cause and possible fix


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
I have a white leghorn hen that I believe has an illness. Her feathers have been ruffled for about a week and I thought she was beginning to molt. However, today, she clearly is having trouble walking. Her toes do not stay straight when she takes a step and she basically bends her claws and almost falls when moving. She seems to want to stay close to the waterer though she doesn't appear to be drinking or eating much. She had a greenish-colored mushy poop. Her comb is not dry and her eyes seem fine. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Thank You for the reply, ChickensAreSweet. I'd be surprised if it was a vitamin deficiency in only 1 bird. I have over 80 and this is the only one displaying symptoms. They are fed organic layer, organic cracked corn, access to oyster shell and they free range on great pasture all day. This bird is probably about 8 months old and it seems the curly toed paralysis is more present in chicks? They did all have Mareck's vaccinations as well. Today, this hen is appears to be eating well and getting around though the one foot still curls under occassionally when she walks. It seems like maybe she just injured one foot but that still doesn't explain the ruffled feathers.
I looked up cocci and it may be that - seems to be a common disease. I haven't found any bloody stools but that may not always be a sign according to the literature I found.

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