Sick Chicken or just a runt?

Crow Mountain Chickens

5 Years
Apr 11, 2018
Have some barnvelders probably around 10-12 weeks old. One of them is very small. Legs and face are pale, she eats drinks and gets around fairly normal though.
I keep expecting to find her dead but she keeps up pretty

Is she a runt? Genetic abnormality? Is she sick?

the tiny one on the left. The two on the right are from the same breeder in the same shipment. Chicks were all the same size for the first 6-8 weeks before I noticed it.

She is tiny! Are you 100% sure she’s the same breed as the others? The white legs make me think she’s a different breed (any chance a bantam got included with the mix?). If she’s acting pretty normal, this could be the case …
Could you get some better pictures? You’ve got one pullet and one cockerel and that one (if it is a barnevelder) looks like maybe a cockerel too? I guess just make sure it’s not starving itself?🤷🏽‍♀️

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