Sick chicken?


5 Years
Mar 9, 2015
My chicken has been very 'squatty' the last couple days. She stays by the water and food. She has runny poop and throws up water, other than that and looking 'squatty' she seems fine. I didnt know if theres something I should be worried about because all my other chickens seem fine and active. Thanks for any help!


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Is that her in the front?
Tail down?
Does she lay?
How long since she last laid?

She may be eggbound.

They have not started laying yet, yes that's her in the front it's not the best picture. She like keeps her head in and tail down kind of like she's balled up.
She obviously doesn’t feel well. Have you checked her over for parasites?

Are they still on chick feed?
If chick feed, is it medicated?
All flock? Is oyster shell available to them?

I would check her crop to see if she’s impacted, then do an internal exam to check for a stuck egg.
Feel her lower abdomen first, you can sometimes feel an eggs outline right there.
When an egg is stuck terribly, it blocks off their ability to go to the bathroom too. That’s lifethreatening.

If you think she may be eggbound, soak her in warm water with Epsom salt in it and give her a human calcium supplement. They need enough calcium to contract the muscles that push out an egg.

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