sick chicken


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 24, 2013
My Buf has been sick for about a week and a half sneezing and she sounds congested . Ihave been giving her Tetroxy HCA -280 mixed in water. Does anyone have experience using this, if so how long does it take to work and how much are you mixing ina gallon?
If that's not working I'd switch to tylan50 injectable. Tylan is geared specifically for respiratory illness. The injectable is good because dose is much more consistent than a water soulable antibiotic. Because with water soul able the dose is contingent on amount drank by the bird. Injectable also gets into the blood steam faster. Dose for tylan50 is large birds 1/2 cc small birds 1/4 cc given once daily into the breast muscle for 5 days. I have not used the tetroxy but I've used tylan50 and it really works will for respiratory illness. If what your using isn't working I'd consider switching to tylan50. You can get tylan50 at the feed store for around 12 dollars along with syringe. Do NOT worry the bottle says for cattle and swine. Many poultry owners including myself successfully treat there flock with it for respiratory symptoms. It really works well. Sorry I didn't know the dose for your med but hopefully this helps. The injection is very easy to give
I use alcohol to clean the breast and it parts the feathers and gives a clean view of the breast for the injection. I wish you the best.
I have never given a shot, how do you know where in breast to inject?
Thank you so much for sharing
Yes I inject in the muscle part of the breast you don't want to be too close too the crop or wing. Think of a chicken breast when you clean a chicken. You can feel the muscle on one side or the other. Make sure by feeling your on either side of the keel bone which is in the middle. Feel the crop and go well enough below the crop you can see the wing that's too far over. Get some alcohol put it on a paper towel or cotton then after you have felt the keel move over toward but not too much and making sure your away from the crop just dab that area with alcohol and it will part the feathers for you and expose the skin. Then you can see the breast. Its on one side or the other side of the keel bone. The crop you will also be able to feel that will be above the area. Its easier than it sounds. The keel seperates both sides of the breast the crop is above. The alcohol will give you a nice clean view of the breast skin. Then just inject. Don't be nervous my birds don't even flinch when getting an injection. But because its your first time have a helper hold the bird for you if possible. Don't worry you will do just fine. Its scarey at first I know but after your first shot it gets a lot easier! You can think of the keel bone as a guide. Just go over a few inches from the keel toward the wing not too close to. the wing making sure the crop is well enough above and you will be right in the breast muscle area and that's where you will inject. The alcohol will give you a nice clean view of the breast. Then inject. The whole process takes less than two minutes. Its nice because you always use that keel bone as a guide and of course making sure your not in the crop. So you will have these guides to help you every time. I tried to explain it clearly and hope I explained it where you can understand. You can do it! Trust me if I can do it anyone can do it! If you have any more questions at all I'm more than happy to help. I know its nerving the first time but after that you will be a pro! Trust me it only sounds hard its not really hard at all. Feel her keel bone in the middle of her breast and go over maybe three inches toward the wing but not too close to the wing. Making sure crop is above and you will do just fine! I really hope this helps. Don't forget the alcohol it gives you a perfectly clear view of the skin by parting the feathers. I'm sure you will do just fine. The first shot is the hardest because of nerves but after the first you will be a lot more comfortable! Let me know how it goes. Please! You can do it! Just use the guides. Good luck and God bless!

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