Sick Chicks...

Backyard Blues

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 9, 2014
I have a variety of chicks that are about 1.5 months old. All are fully feathered out. We had them in a chick barn with plenty of space (or so we thought) and ventilation. Even had a fan running to help circulate the air.
We moved them out to a larger outdoor pen with plenty of cover-shade- (we live in Alabama) fresh grass, etc.
We had a couple die the first night. This was three days ago. Ever since we've picked up one or two a day dead.
They seem to be drawn up more than others, pale and just droopy- blah feeling. Not active like other chicks. There's not what I'd call unusual looking poop and I can't see any mite activity going on.
I've never lost chicks like this before and am sort of at a loss on what to do. Just have put Corid in their water today.
Any suggestions?
I would suspect coccidiosis at this age, and the Corid is a good idea. Coccidiosis symptoms include weakness, sleepiness, standing puffed up or hunched, not eating, and runny poops, sometimes with blood. Dosage is 1 1/2 tsp of the powder Corid or 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water for 7 days, followed by some chick vitamins and probiotics in the water for several days. Chickens gradually build up resistance to cocci in the poop and soil as they age. At 6 weeks old they should be feathered out enough, not to require heat anymore, but they can get overheated and dehydrated in hot summer weather. Lots of shade and keeping shaded water readily available in a couple of spots helps. Here is more info: Management/43/symptoms-and-diagnosis/
The temps are in mid to lower 60's. They are roosting in a area that's out of the weather/can stay warm/out of breezes. They were getting too hot in the previous brooder building I had.
Thanks Eggcessive... I plan on running Corid for 5 days - making it fresh daily. We ran the vit/electrolytes in their water yesterday and plan on doing so again after the Corid treatment.
We feed a non-medicated/ non-GMO feed but none other of our chicks seem to be sick.
These are May hatched chicks... and even though I heard before that those never did well, I really didn't think much of it until now.

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