sick chicks


8 Years
Nov 10, 2014
South Louisiana
I have 5 about 3 week old chicks. Got them one week ago. Tonight one got real lethargic, but was peeping loudly. Within an hour she was gone. Now another one is getting lethargic, but not peeping. The only thing I have on hand is some Terra-VEt, tetracycline hydrochloride. I also have some Vi-tal, which is a water vitamin, electrolyte and mineral supplement. Does anyone have any advice? Should I give them all some of each in a dropper? Please help!!!
Are they warm enough? What is your brooder temp? Are they huddling under the heat bulb? Pasty butt at all?

Definitely give the vitamin water.

I once treated a little chick that was like this with sulmet. Don't ask me why I chose that med, I can't remember, but it worked fast. I think I adjusted the amount of medication the chick was receiving though- don't go full amount, as since they are smaller it could kill them. I took a small dropper and gave about two drops of the water solution of sulmet to this chick every two hours or so- within 24 hours she was fine. I'm totally unfamiliar with Terra-Vet, sorry! Anything I think would be better than doing nothing at this point... but do make sure to start in small amounts, increase if needed. You can alternate between the vitamin water and med water solution every hour or every two hours. If more chicks end up getting sick within the day, then I would put it in their water. I think you could mix the vitamin solution and the meds together.

OH and do make sure they are warm! As long as its not deathly hot, I think more heat the better in case of a sick chick. Do not let it get cold! (Don't get it wet either.) Make sure there are no cold drafts too.
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Does the sick chick have a blubby tummy? When I say "blubby" I mean its kind of like a heavier sack of water. Sometimes that can be a sign of inner problems. That is what my chick had.. it was not obvious- but when I picked her up she had heavier weight in that area than the others who were healthy.
The second one is now gone too. Died with convulsions. One of the three that is left, is also starting to act lethargic. Got a bad feeling. The other two seem fine. The temp is good, about 80 to 85. No bubble stomach, but do have heavy breathing. No obvious other signs. My DH will try to find some Corid in the morning, but not sure anyone around here will have it, or if we can get it soon enough.
The most common infection is coccidiosis, and if that is the cause, corid is what you need. Loud cheeping usually means discomfort. I had one with a bleeding navel who got an infection there, and bless it, it cheeped nonstop for 2 days until it died.
The second one is now gone too.  Died with convulsions.  One of the three that is left, is also starting to act lethargic.  Got a bad feeling.  The other two seem fine.  The temp is good, about 80 to 85. No bubble stomach, but do have heavy breathing.  No obvious other signs.  My DH will try to find some Corid in the morning, but not sure anyone around here will have it, or if we can get it soon enough.
I had one of mine die of coccoidosis. They do get lethargic, sleep a lot. A big sign is their tail feathers stay pointed down vs up. If you notice my red sex link has her tail down. I had no idea if the signs but hope to help you out. Take your chicks to a vet immediately. I took my other two and they were infected as well. They would have died had I not gotten them checked out. Hope this helps
80-85 might not be warm enough for an sick chick that age. Can you raise the temp to 85-90? Feel it's legs, do they feel cool, warm or hot?

Whatever it was, it took them quickly. The only signs we had was one watery poop, then the lethargy, convulsive death. In about 2 hours. One more looked like she was starting, don't know if we were just paranoid or she was sick too. Gave her a little yogert, and some of the vita water. Thank God she has made it through the night. The three that are left are sleeping, will be keeping a close eye on them. The only other thing I can think of, we let them on the grass in an enclosure for about an hour. Maybe there is some plant life in the lawn they might have eaten. Will be checking the grass later. I just didn't know that cocci stuff could kill them so fast. So sad...

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