Sick dog!


7 Years
May 27, 2012
Lucky Duck Pond
I have a lab (he is about 9) that has some kind of infection! he has been to the vet and is now on a big dose of antibiotics which is making him lose his appetite! he has barley eaten anything in the past day or two I know it's the pills!!!! my question is does anyone know what I could mix up that would be really nutritious that I could force feed him.

Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!
He does have to go back in a few days! I was just wondering if there was anything I could do in the mean time!!!!

He is eating enough to survive though!!!
I agree with the above posters, you can try however in the meantime to tempt him with white fish, tuna, scrambled eggs or some chicken..... do mix some white rice with the fish/chicken or you may have a lot of runny poop to cope with too!

Best of luck!


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