Sick Duck, Any Suggestions?

I know its been 2 months, but I never got a chance to say that Amelia is doing great!! She appears to be 100%. I am so grateful. It took about a month for her to get back to normal, but she slowly improved all the way through. I just want to say thank you again to everyone who gave me advice. I remember finding people who wrote about similar things happening to their ducks, asking for advice, but I never saw them writing whether or not the duck made it. So, I hope that if anyone reads this again, desperate for advice on their own duck going through the same thing, I just want them to know to hang in there! It appeared that my girl was not going to make it. She wasn't walking nor eating, and she was seizing every few minutes, along with other side effects. And she's alive! And she's all better! I'm not sure if it was keeping her in cold water, or learning how to properly force-feed her, or holding her for every seizure, or the extra niacin, or the massaging her belly, or what? But one of those, or all of those, must have worked. And I am soooo happy!! Thanks again everyone who wrote me!
I know its been 2 months, but I never got a chance to say that Amelia is doing great!! She appears to be 100%. I am so grateful. It took about a month for her to get back to normal, but she slowly improved all the way through. I just want to say thank you again to everyone who gave me advice. I remember finding people who wrote about similar things happening to their ducks, asking for advice, but I never saw them writing whether or not the duck made it. So, I hope that if anyone reads this again, desperate for advice on their own duck going through the same thing, I just want them to know to hang in there! It appeared that my girl was not going to make it. She wasn't walking nor eating, and she was seizing every few minutes, along with other side effects. And she's alive! And she's all better! I'm not sure if it was keeping her in cold water, or learning how to properly force-feed her, or holding her for every seizure, or the extra niacin, or the massaging her belly, or what? But one of those, or all of those, must have worked. And I am soooo happy!! Thanks again everyone who wrote me!
Thank you so much for posting the great news!! very happy for you and your duck..

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