Sick / Dying frizzles help!! UPDATE more sick!!


9 Years
Feb 20, 2010
My daughters frizzle rooster who is 1.5 years old died last night, He looked puffed up for a day or so, we had apple cidar vinegar in his water, then he went blue colored it was very odd, he also stiffened up/rigor mortis like before he even died.. I have never seen this before in our chickens. Another little roo who is a few months old is now puffed up / huddled down and looking blue too. I am treating our birds for coccidiosis now since we just had it go through our broilers and we lost ALOT of them! Could it have been coccidiosis that killed him? We saw no blood in his poop at all..
We have another one going downhill fast.. Need help! He is 4 months old, very thin right now.. Hunched up and hanging his head. He has food in front of him all the time but is still lost weight and not wanting to eat. His comb blueish and flopped over usually it is upright. We had coccidosis go through our broilers on our farm so they have been treated for that. I looked into blue comb and wondered if that might be it.. The other one that died stiffened up before he even died. He died quite quickly after getting sick.

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