Sick Hen, Friend Hen Helping Her


6 Years
Mar 19, 2016
Houston, TX
We have a sick hen. She had a high fever, and was very lethargic. The Feed Store guy gave us some anti biotics after determining she didn't have a few other things. That was three days ago, she still seems very listless. Yesterday she had a very yolky poo, but before that laid a perfectly good egg. She seems less hot today, but as listless, and she only eats what I give her in a dropper.

The oldest hen, Cider, is very worried. She is doing this thing trying to prop Suzy B up by crawling below her legs and acting as a kind of cushion. Mostly I have kept Suzy inside, but I feel like if she is not going to make it, Cider is the one who wants to be there with her. Today isn't hot so I'm letting them outside together. Have you seen this behavior before? It is so touching and sad. CIder isn't foraging (unless I put out treats), she is just sitting below Suzy.

I think I may try to soak the hen in water. Maybe an egg broke inside her? I can't figure out. She has always laid. We lvoe her so much, and are so worried.


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Very possible an egg broke in her. Great idea with the bath & give her some crushed up Calcium Citrate w/D3, Calcium Carbonate w/D3 or Tum

Hope Suzy pulls through :fl I've read of chickens taking care of each other but have never experienced it. Are Suzy & Cider the only ones you have or are there others? Asking cause of the concern if Suzy gets worst, Cider maybe heart broken :(

Keep us updated :hugs
My hen is still sick. I'm not sure what to do. I'm keeping her in mostly, just let her out when its morning and evening. When she's out she just walks around like she's dazed, and doesn't eat or drink. Cider will come over and "hug" her by placing her head beneath her for a bit, then she wanders. She had four days of antiboitics and they don't seem to have helped. She isn't eating or drinking except what I give her with a dropper.
What antibiotic have you been using from the feed store? It sounds like she may be having eggbinding or broken eggs inside which could be due to an impacted oviduct, internal laying, or shell-less eggs from a calcium deficiency. The calcium and D3 can help if it is from a lack of calcium. What do you feed them? Can you feel inside her vent with one finger about 2 inches for a stuck egg? Here is some reading about reproductive disorders (note the other articles in the list, such as salpingitis, egg yolk peritonitis, and other related prolems)
My hen was just sick too. I posted a few minutes ago about how to get her back into the flock. From her symptoms I thought she could be egg bound, so just in case I put her in a warm Epsom salt bath--just about 2-3 inches deep. She melted into it. She seemed utterly content. I left her in until it got less warm, then dried her a bit. The day after this was was attacked by another hen when I had her in the run for just 5 minutes. When I got back in to check her, she was cowering by the fence not moving. It was heart breaking. Thankfully only her comb was hurt. She got another Epsom salt bath that night to clean her up well. She loved that one too.

I also gave her a bit of yogurt and some melon--that's what she wanted to eat.

It's hard when our girls aren't well. I feel for you and hope things turn around. I love that another hen wanted to help her.
Thanks, I checked the duct, there doesn't seem to be anything in there, but she's been eating so little I"d be surprised if there was. I'll try and get her more calcium. I got her a vitamin supplement, too. She is still so sick, hot, and the other hen continues trying to put her whole body beneath her. I feel like she knows what's wrong and can't tell me, lol. I also tried an epson bath, maybe will try another. I am not sure what the antibiotic is that she got. I am feeding her with a tube, now, which I read about how to do here.

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