Sick hen. Maybe impacted crop?


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2015
So two weeks I noticed my hen was lathargic and her crop was full and her comb was shriveled and red. She was spitting up lots of fluid. I emptied her crop and she seemed better for a few days of soft food and tetracycline. So I let her go back with her flock. Now a week ago I noticed she was lathargic, spitting up and constantly had her eyes closed. I brought her in and gave her a bath. When I did I found lice so I treated her for that. But accidentally when I was checking her vent she started pouring out puke! And breathed it in!!!! I really didn't think she was going to make it. So I kept her inside and put some heat on her. By morning she was better... Still breathing funny but alive! I have her tetracycline and kept her from food. Slowly I started feeding her scrambled eggs mixed with yogurt and probiotics. I am now giving her chick feed too. Her crop no longer feels squishy but rock hard. It does shrink from night to morning.(but the ball is still there) she is moving around, she actually ran away from me today which mean she must be feeling a little better. What I am worried about is that her crop doesn't empty completely, her poop is small, dark green, and she walks funny (she lifts her legs high but that might be due to the concrete floor?) I also gave her dewormer today just incase. Any advice?

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