Sick Hen- Need Help Quick!!


I have been giving Morti her vitamins and all her tasty goodies she loves so well, plus chick feed and yogurt (not her favorite).

Yesterday, I got her out to take pictures. I FINALLY got my camera working.

She wasn't nearly as swollen or bruised looking, but I had to set her down to get my camera on. She had been improving some each day, but not enough to where I could just lay her down and not worry about her moving much.

So I laid her down, and she jumped up and took off!!! After trying to coax her back, I actually had to get the net to catch her sorry butt. She was fast!! (And had a bit of attitude!!!)

I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but she seems to be doing SOOOO much better!! She is still in her sick cage, but if she keeps improving the way she has, it won't be long until I put her back in with Gomez.

Thanks for all the help and well wishes!!

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