Sick hen, not sure what is wrong!


Jul 2, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
Nearly 2 year old Easter egger hen, found in coop Tuesday afternoon squatting and panting, brought inside to “hospital” pen in bathroom. It was warm yesterday so I gave her a soak in the sink.

She’s panting, won’t stand, if she does stand she stumbles and falls over. Crop felt very full last night so I withheld food and gave electrolyte water by syringe. She did poop a lot overnight and it seemed normal. Crop this morning is mostly empty but still a bit squishy.

She has had impacted/sour crop before about 6 months ago and I treated with lots of water, olive oil, and monistat cream. She recovered and has been doing fine. This came on very suddenly.

She is wheezing a bit too and making some pained noises when I examine her abdomen. She laid a normal egg yesterday and I don’t feel any masses although the size of eggs she normally lays is astonishing for a medium size bird.

She has been vax for marek’s and I did put two 6 week olds in a separate pen in their coop about 10 days ago (hatched those two in a bator in my house). Nothing else has changed. They free ranged once last week when the weather was nice but otherwise have a large fenced in grassy & dirt area plus the coop.

Ideas? She’s a favorite of course, and the bottom of the pecking order.
Look at her facial tissue. Is it a bright cherry red as opposed to the more normal drab red? That would be a sign of elevated body temperature. It can be caused by a bacterial infection or hot weather.

Panting can be from overheating, but it can also signal stress.

The report that her crop had not emptied overnight is indicative of a yeast infection, so you should go ahead and start the miconazole treatment.

The wheezing can be from the crop issue. Treat the crop and if she settles down and starts to feel better, you will know that was probably the problem.
Comb and face are pink, not bright red. She doesn’t feel especially warm. I will treat the crop. That’s probably it, just seems like she is suffering more this time :(
That's very good news. You might start giving her a little Greek yogurt or a probiotic for a few days to establish good microbes in her digestive system.
Are the gnats active where you live? If so maybe they tried to suffocate her. They get really nasty around here in the spring.
We have gnats but not that bad I don’t think. It’s definitely GI related. She is able to stand and walk a bit now too. I’ll add some plain Greek. I did mix the antifungal with baby bird formula to make it a little more palatable!

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