Sick Hen... Not sure whats happening! Arizona

For help with your AZ heat... I use large sour cream containers and squished watermelon and water freezing at the halfway mark. Fill it all the way up plain water and refreeze. Walmart has metal dog pans 2 inches tall and just over a foot wide. I take a frozen treat out twice a day. I also have mud baths that mine have taken a liking to. I also have one of those small plastic pools and fill it to the bottom line. They go nuts for the watermelon ice and lay in the mud baths. When they are too hot they jump in the pool for a nice foot wetting spa moment.
I'm new to chickens as well but have learned a few tricks so far.
Hi Everyone,

Arizona resident here, so maybe I can get some input from some Zonies…

I have a cute little 6 month old hen who is getting super lethargic, falling over herself, and being last to all food/waterings throughout the day. We found her in the backyard laying out at night (all the chickens usually coop up by themselves). We brought her inside and gave her some electrolytes with water, hoping to make her feel a little bit better. The poops look healthy. I am worried that it could be heat stroke? We also have Corid 9.6% just in case, but I'm hoping that she doesn't have cocci. I am thinking of taking her to the vet tomorrow just in case.
It's so hot. A water mister is a must. Shade isn't enough. After loosing several chickens, I put up a mister and never lost another one. A shallow pool helps, but they make it nasty pretty fast. I have an open coop. 2 dog kennels from Lowes put together to make one. The coop end has boards on top and on 2 sides, just a few feet, to stop the rain and shade screen on the rest of the top and 3 sides. I put the board on the sides where the dust storms hit to protect them. In the beginning, I just got a $10 patio mister for the shaded area, now I have a pvc pipe system hooked to the sprinklers. When it reaches 105 I turn them on and watch the girls come running to that side of the coop.:D
No need for a sweater at 102. At least it's a bit better that it is now though. We need the high heat here to bring on the monsoon rain's.
Bring on the rain!!! We've been teased in AZ City but have yet to get more than 30 drops. Since schools out i can spray down my chicken run. Plus I have neighbors that will check on my girls when I have to go back to schools.

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